Building an HVAC Website

Picture this: It’s 100+ degrees and the AC goes out. Most homeowners will jump on their phone and start to look in Google or ask their friends on Facebook for recommendations for an HVAC contractor. 

What happens next? They are going to research these different HVAC contractors by looking at their website to find the company they want to work with. We see this happen every single day and it doesn’t matter where in the country you live.

It’s 2020, do you think it’s necessary for a business to have a website? 46% of all Google searches are looking for local information and 86% of customers rely on the internet to find a local business (socialmediatoday). The first action a customer makes when looking for a business is to click on the website to learn more about them. If you don’t have a website or you have a website that doesn’t accurately define your business then you are missing out on valuable leads. 

Building a website takes time but doesn’t have to be difficult. You should, however, make sure you include these important items on your website and behind the scenes.

Your HVAC website should be clear, responsive and aesthetically pleasing. 

If your site doesn’t relay what services you offer or your site doesn’t look like it is up to the times then that will turn away possible leads. Your site navigation should be clear on a desktop and mobile device. There’s nothing worse than trying to scroll a website on your phone and the site isn’t designed for that. Keeping people on your site and converting them to leads is your goal.

Your HVAC website should contain all important contact information. 

Your address, phone number, and email address should be readily available. When someone is looking for a local service they want to see where you are located and how they can contact you. Having the consumer dig for that information decreases your chances that they will actually contact you.

Your HVAC website should be fast. 

Half of internet users will leave a website if it doesn’t load in 3 seconds. THREE SECONDS. There are tools and plugins available to help speed up your site.

Your HVAC website should have a call to action. 

A call to action can be a button for a free estimate, a contact us button, a clickable phone number (for mobile), social media buttons so they can like and follow you, or even a button to schedule services. Without any call to action, your customer won’t be sure what steps to do next and you miss an opportunity to invite them to do something.

Your HVAC website should be updated frequently. 

Google will rank websites that are updated frequently with higher rankings. There are several ways to keep your website up to date: A blog (or a resource section) gives you the opportunity to show your expertise. If people are coming to your site from a search engine they are going to want to learn more about you. This gives you the chance to show them that you ARE the expert in your field. You can also showcase projects and tell the story. 

You should have google analytics installed and use it. 

You don’t have to be an expert in google analytics but you should know the basics. Being able to see what page(s) customers are quickly leaving can give you an idea of what page(s) you need to improve upon or change completely. 

With a little time, you can build a site that converts visitors to leads and leads to customers. If you would prefer to focus your time on sales then you can contact Home Pro Digital to build your website, manage your blog and handle all of your marketing needs. Contact us to schedule a FREE strategy session.
