Marketing Your Business at Your Local Home Show: Part 1 – Before the Show

Most remodeling and home service businesses get so focused on creating the perfect booth, they forget to think about what to do to promote before the event. In order to get the most out of your investment, you need to spend time before the show getting the word out and letting people know you will be there.

Social Media

Use social media to spread the word about the home show. Ask the organization running the event how you can help promote. They may provide graphics or have specific event pages already created. You should also create your own event that allows you to post specific details on the location of your booth and keep people updated as the event gets closer.

Are you planning on promoting exclusive offers to customers who visit your booth? Let everyone know by creating hype around your promotion. You might even consider running a pre-event promotion or contest.

Website Promotion

Your website is your main presence on the internet. Although social media is where most people “hang out”, your website is a powerful tool when it comes to promoting your home remodeling business online.

Start with your home page and then spread your efforts out across your other pages. A few ways to utilize your website to promote your business include:

  • Make sure your website showcases your work. This is important in general, but especially important when you are promoting your trade show booth.
  • Build a special page just for promoting the home show. Include a *bonus* drawing entry or special promotion for visitors to your booth who mention that page on your website
  • Collect email addresses on your website for special promotions or announcements (like specials at home show events!)

You also want to make sure your website is mobile-friendly. Over 50% of web searches are happening on mobile devices, and almost 100% of visitors to your home show will be coming with their phones. Make sure your website is a good experience for them.

Effective Advertising

Advertising should be a constant effort for any business. If you utilize print or digital advertising, it is important to promote your home show booth. You know when the event is coming up so plan to make changes to your campaign.

Include details about the event in your online and offline advertising. Be as specific as possible, including your booth location and number so customers can easily find you.
