
Septic Service Business Owners:

Your Time = $$$

The average revenue from pumping out a septic system is $350.

How much would you make installing a new system – 

$5,000, $7,500, $10,000 plus?  

Would You Rather Be Doing Septic Work Or Facebook Work?

You know you are probably losing leads by not having a professional Facebook presence, but can’t take away time from doing septic work to hunt around the internet for content to post.  Partnering with Home Pro Digital takes the guesswork out of Facebook and costs less than your profits on emptying 1 septic tank. Our DIY Social Media for Septic Businesses Package is the solution you need to grow your business’s Facebook page in less than an hour a month!

You Already Know Facebook Is Legit

We don't need to convince you that your target market is on Facebook. You also know you need to be active.

You are busy

Maybe it's been MONTHS since you posted on your business page. Or you just don't have a system in place to post at least 3x per week.

You Don't Know What To Post Every Week

You want your septic service Facebook page to post things that your target market will find valuable, making you the go-to person in your area.

Take Back Your Time

We believe that having a successful Facebook page doesn’t require you or someone on your team to spend hours each day – we create branded graphics and send you other ideas for what to share along with your own photos. We also include a calendar that you can use to schedule out your posts! The whole thing can be completed in less than an hour per month – seriously!

The Details


Per month

If you are looking for more support and want our team to also be posting and managing your page (Full Service), we do that too! Just send us a message.

We Provide The Posts, You Schedule

Each month we’ll email you 15 different posts for you to schedule on Facebook.

septic facebook post
septic facebook post

Frequently asked questions

Every month by the 20th, you’ll receive an email with access to 15 posts and a marketing calendar that you can use to schedule out your Facebook posts. It’s that simple! The whole thing should take you less than an hour – easy!

It’s easy and we show you how. All of our social media clients get access to our training that teaches you the ins and outs of scheduling your posts on Facebook.

We want to partner with clients who WANT to work with us, so we don’t have any long term contracts: Everything is month-to-month. 

We create graphics with your logo, quotes, jokes & humor, tips & tricks, as well as resources related to home ownership and septic systems that your audience will find relevant.

Since we know your audience and work with septic companies, we have a pool of posts and resources to fill your Facebook content calendar.

After getting started, your account manager will reach out to you directly. We’ll need to get your logo, access to your business pages, things like that! We try to keep it as simple as possible for everyone.

Do you have more questions? We’d love to jump on a strategy call with you. Contact Us

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